Today, the 20th of July is the day of the General Strike for Black Lives.
Truck drivers and warehouse workers, teachers, farmworkers, service industry employees, ride-sharing drivers, couriers, domestic workers, fast-food staff, care specialists, airport workers, custodians, university and college professors, retail workers, servers, low-income laborers, African-American lawyers, young climate activists, and many other civil rights organizations have come together to support this effort.
You may also participate: by walking out of work for the day, or at least for 8 minutes 46 seconds minutes at noon. You can also hold 8 minutes 46 seconds of silence, or take the knee for the same time, to honor the life of George Floyd and many others like him, who fell victim to police brutality and racism.
And it’s not about Black lives only: it’s about economic justice for the so many struggling in the world. If you’re not a billionaire, it applies to you.
Read more about the strike here.
And while just like the BLM movement, it’s mostly within the US, we see several satellite events scheduled across the world.
Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Zambia, France, Tanzania, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand are just the ones mentioned to be hosting strikes.
Join in! Or, at the very least, please don’t cross the picket line.
And to keep your spirits scab-free and revolutionary, we’re keeping it short and sweet today, sharing our 4-part collection of the beautiful street art that we’ve accumulated in SoHo over the last almost two months of protests.
Most of it is gone by now, but we’re preserving the memory of when one of NYC’s most beautiful neighborhoods was seized from commerce and relinquished to art.
If you can’t go and see the Black Lives Matter-inspired protest art in New York City’ SoHo for yourself, Supamodu is here with a selection of the best murals by established and up-and-coming artists
The day when American slavery officially ended is the perfect occasion to enjoy some Black Lives Matter murals from New York City: celebrate freedom with art

Our latest collection of Black Lives Matter art from the streets of SoHo is the richest yet: rush to see it before stores take the boards down
We come back to SoHo once more because the artists’ creativity in the neighborhood is still out of control, and they have a lot to say about independence, equality, and justice
There will be no revolution without art like there will be no revolution without solidarity.
Hope you enjoy Supamodu and feel compelled to forward this email to your friends.
Thank you for being with us! 💛
— Katya Kazbek,