A series of graphic novels from the Spanish powerduo about a group of friends who are hiding their real identities even from each other

After reading part 1 I wrote: “I really loved the first volume of Tebori by the same duo, and immediately purchased the 2nd and 3rd volume, so it’s no surprise that the same happened in this case. As soon as I finished reading Rock, I ordered the Paper and Scissors. (Ha!) A great story in which characters show unexpected facets and subvert your expectations, with a boxer/mathematician called Rock at the center of the first story, and his friends Paper and Scissors coming to the forefront in the subsequent volumes. Such character goodness and depth that I’ll be surprised to learn that no one had yet purchased the rights for a TV show based on the series. Very promising, and I’m definitely asking to be considered a fan of Jose Manuel Robledo and Marcial Toledano from now on.”
Now that I’m done with the third volume, I can add that I am absolutely in awe of the liberties that Robledo takes with his characters. Not only do they constantly defy each other’s expectations, they also keep the reader on the edge of the seat. I was most amazed with the Khoury storyline and the Louviers plot, and can’t wait for the Louviers spin-off to come out in English.
Ken Games Series by Jose Manuel Robledo (Script) and Marcial Toledano (Art)
Published by Europe Comics 2009 – 2017
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