I have no idea who Gurbangeldy Meredow is but he once had a personal retrospective exhibition in Ashgabat and there is an article on the occasion in a Turkmen newspaper. This is it. I have mastered googling in Turkmen language but found nothing. However, i remain transfixed by this portrait of a very beautiful young man. Are Turkmens the most beautiful people? Because while doing this research I was also smitten by literally everyone single woman in photographs from Turkmenistan as well as Gurbannazar Ezizow who is a very quotable poet (judging by google image searches) who had not been translated into any language I remotely possess. Maybe I could read him with a dictionary? There’s a collection at Butler (of course) and there’s nothing I like more in life than pining after obscure books in the stacks. Also I just want to find out what life is like for creative people (and beautiful humans) in a less hyped Asian dictatorship.