There is nothing better than za’atar as far as I’m concerned. In the Middle East people eat this mix that usually consists of hyssop, sumac, sesame and salt, with anything, from bread to ice-cream, while here in the West it’s only been becoming trendy lately. And if you go about Za’atar wrong, like buying a random stale dusty box from the spice rack at the grocer’s, you might not get what the buzz is all about because it will not be as flavorful and savory as it should be. I recommend trying Zesty Z. I randomly chanced upon it at the fancy French gourmet market, and have been obsessed since, even though it doesn’t have hyssop, and uses thyme instead, it’s none the less amazing, and pre-mixed with olive oil which makes it more versatile.
The company is run by a mother and son duo of Lebanese Brooklynites, which is really sweet. My addiction has spread to my partner, who goes through a can every few weeks. Thankfully they sell it in our nearest supermarkets, and also on the evil yet omnipresent Amazon. In addition to bread and ice-cream (if you’re brave), za’atar is great on any grilled meat or fish, as a marinade, a perfect addition to anything vegetarian, and, of course, goes great with cheese and pizza, be it the lebanese manousheh or a regular NYC slice.