During my time at Columbia, I’ve had the pleasure of having James Cañón as my thesis advisor. He was my number one pick but I also sent an impassioned email to our program coordinator asking for James. “His novel… made my heart stop a few times. I so want to be like him,” I wrote. And then I had the happiest time working with James. Can you imagine having someone understand your character so much they make you want to cry by talking about it? This is what James did for me. I have finished my novel now, and am making final edits, but none of this could have been possible without James’s help during our work together. He is just the best editor I have ever met, as well as the most insightful reader, and just a generally wonderful and very beautiful man. I am absolutely smitten and thankful to have him in my life, and I really hope you have a chance to read his novel, too. It’s absolutely remarkable and contains the best woman characters any man has ever written. A dystopian town where everyone is a woman? Yes, please. Also, today is a very special day for James, and I’m sending him my love and all the best vibes.
Tales From the Town of Widows & Chronicles From the Land of Men by James Cañón
Published by HarperCollins in 2007