What would our world look like if humans were not at the top of the food pyramid?

An amazing satire on human exceptionalism, colonization, obsession with civilization and the post-enlightenment in faux sciences such as eugenics. An alternative history, where 18th century Paris is populated by bipedal animals, while humans are a species near extinction that are hunted by poachers and can only be found in the remote regions. A simple enough premise, but the execution is so smart, insightful and funny, my only complaint is that it isn’t a series of comics, or an animated TV show. Because it totally deserves to be. I was especially fascinated with the fact that the animals in the graphic novel could be both omnivorous and herbivorous, and that caused a lot of problems in the coexistence of the species: a brilliant parallel to the duality of human ethics.
Alas by Herve Bourhis (Script) and Rudy Spiessert (Art)
Published by Europe Comics in 2018
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